Rules of the Game

1. Rearranging the Dice

The most  intrinsic exciting and unique part of the rules in the game of Wonderful Word Weaving  is that once words are already composed and placed in a connected grid  they can still be changed, rearranged, reworked, eliminated, broken down or added to, to assist in the ultimate challenge of using all 32 vowels and consonants revealed to solve each puzzle.  This basic rule of  Wonderful Word Weaving creates a great part of the FUN and CLEVERNESS in playing  this game.  The thinking process is highly engaged in a great shuffle of letters and words to succeed in the challenge of using every letter facing upwards after each toss of the dice.

NOTE:  It is absolutely against the rules of Wonderful Word Weaving to turn the lettered dice away from the upward facing letter revealed after each toss of the lettered dice.

2. Words to Use

Another basic rule and guideline in the game of Wonderful Word Weaving  is that every word constructed or composed should be found in an English Standard dictionary.  This gives you access to approximately  470,000  words  to choose from in your attempt  to solve each game.  You can use as few as two words to solve each game objective (puzzle)  in the challenge of using as few words as possible.  (This is very hard to do).

3. Words Not to Use

WORDS WHICH CANNOT BE USED  are abbreviations,  prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words which require a hyphen or apostrophe, and words always capitalized.  Foreign words which appear in an English language dictionary are permissible as they are spoken often enough to become a part of the English language.  Another optional rule (if playing cooperatively) we have inserted into this game is that we recommend and allow the consultation with an English dictionary kept on hand, to verify the spelling of a questionable word.  This creates a great educational opportunity to expand one’s vocabulary.

Note:  There  are two lettered dice (in each W3 set) with a blank on one of its six sides .  These blank dice are to be considered wild.  This means they can be used as any letter (vowel or consonant) to compose a desired word.